Top 10 Web Writing Tips

In order to write web articles that draw reader’s attention, learn that “Online readers like numbers and good authentic writing”. Headlines that include numbers tend to draw readers attention to your website like “Top10 Mother’s Day Gifts.” While the authentic writing is what keeps readers. Take a look at these Top 10 Web Writing Tips that will improve your web writing.

Tip 1. Understand Your Target Audience

The best way to write good content is to profile and understand your target audience. This allows you to write appropriate and relevant material for your audience.

Tip 2. Write Keyword Rich Headings and Titles

A clearly defined target audience will help you determine keywords that appeal to your readers. Use the most valuable in your headings and first paragraphs and include the keywords in the body of the article to enhance the article rankings in search engines.

Tip 3. Write SEO Smart Copy  

Search engines are a smart and easy way to bring traffic to your website. Boost the chances of your writing ranking high in relevant searches by writing Search Engine Optimised (SEO) copy.

Tip 4. Write Easy to Scan Copy

Make your work easy to scan through, get to the point quickly and try to keep one idea to a paragraph.

Tip 5. Use Bullet Points and Number Lists

Bullet points make it easier to scan through copy while numbered lists are a good way to highlight important points. Mixing the two may work on some sites better than others so try it out.

Tip 6. Good Grammar, Spelling and Legible copy

There is no substitute for legible copy with good grammar, correct spellings and punctuation, so write good copy. Remember to define acronyms and local language e.g. “turn left at the robots (traffic lights)”

Tip 7. Link Your Text

Consider linking back to previous articles on the same website or to your home or guest website. This is a great way to increase traffic to your website or to the page with the linked article.

Tip. 8 Think through your Design Elements

Red text on a black background can be a great design but not ideal for readers, while a film strip of pictures that won’t rewind may turn away site visitors. Try to find a design, web-user balance.

Tip 9. Content Counts

The tips above help draw readers to your copy, don’t disappoint them instead deliver good authentic valuable content and keep them reading.

Tip 10. Less is More

When it comes down to it, online reading is not suitable for reading lengthy copy. More readers are accessing the web via mobile devices that have smaller screens than computers hence less is more.